Scripture Reading - Luke 11:17 KJV

But he (Jesus), knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.

This article focuses on “Thought Knowing” which is slightly different than “Thought Reading”. In “Thought Knowing” we are emphasizing more of the end result, so although “Thought Reading” will eventually get you to a place where you know the other persons thoughts the way in which you draw your conclusion is different. Specifically, when using “Thought Reading” you are engaged with the person to listen to their words while observing their actions visually. This perception combines physical listening and outward observance (when in their presence) to guide you into “Thought Knowing” the final result. The key difference with this teaching is that we will explore the possibility of “knowing someone else’s thoughts” by the Word of Knowledge expressed in 1 Corinthians 12:8. When this type of “Thought Knowing” is involved you might not even be involved with the person at all physically. We (ihlcc) have had this type of manifestation with a fellow minister whom we hardly ever speak with. Although it was not necessary for us to share our ideals with this certain minister of God we knew he was dealing with a trying circumstance. We believe since our hearts were sincere in trying to effectively pray for that specific minister and his ministry the Lord told us what he was thinking. This “word of knowledge” proved out to be true by the actions taken later by that same minister to confirm the specific word we gathered from the Lord. A biblical example of this was in the Old Testament when Jeremiah prayed to God for direction for the remnant of people left after the battle between Ishmael and Johanan in Jeremiah chapters 41 and 42. After ten days the Lord revealed to Jeremiah that the remnant was planning to (thinking to) go into Egypt for protection rather than trusting in the protection of God in the land of Judah. So it really didn’t matter what Jeremiah said was the Word of the Lord their mind was already made up to go into Egypt. Jeremiah didn’t receive this information by his physical senses, nor did he receive the thoughts of their heart by physical communication from another human. This information was passed solely by divine revelation and that manifestation is available to every believer who is open for it. Knowing exactly what the other person is thinking will always help you if you are trying to effectively minister to that individual and it will help you if you are trying to pray for the individual's wellbeing also. This is not necessary a spiritual gift that operates when called upon but it is rather a manifestation of the Spirit of God who is all knowing. When the omniscient Holy Spirit of God decides to impart a Word of Knowledge into your spirit it is truly a blessing of God’s grace, which no man can take credit for. So be open to “Thought Knowing” via “Thought Reading” and divine impartation directly from the Holy Spirit of God because both are viable. We (ihlcc) have found it unwise to plan on “Thought Knowing” by trying to read someone else’s mind but this phenomena is very beneficial when the Lord happens to move that way as an act of His Grace. Moreover, while this type of manifestation of “Thought Knowing” by a Word of Knowledge is uncommon it is still very real and profitable when it has operated in us. We don’t try to question God’s methods no more than we would think to dictate God’s Ways. We simply let God be God and we His little children receive all that we can from Him unto the Glory of God the Father in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen!